Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Got Hemorrhoids - Cure Them The Natural Way

Did you know that 1 in 26 people in the United States have hemorrhoids. How do you get them? What is preventive care? How do you get rid of them if you get them? This article will provide information on hemorrhoids, probably more information than you need. This blog will help you understand hemorrhoids, what causes them and how you can get rid of them without surgery.

Did you know that all of us have hemorrhoids, and that they are normal. But we only notice them when they become enlarged.

They become enlarged when there is excessive pressure on the external or internal hemorrhoid veins. When a person reaches 45 to 65 years of age, most often they become inflamed. Why they become inflamed is unknown. There are many theories. Some theories are

A. lack of adequate fiber intake

B. sitting on the toilet for excessive amount of time

C. excessive straining to have a bowel movement

These are all theories and there is no documentation on any of these theories. Now there are two proven causes of hemorrhoids.
1. pregnancy

2. tumors in the pelvis.

Old wives tales say to cure hemorrhoids rub some gels on it or have surgery. This is good for temporary relief. But there is a permanent cure. H Miracle!

H Miracle was developed by Holly Hayden, a Independent Remedy Researcher, who suffered hemorrhoids for years. This remedy is made ofnatural items you can find in any store and is taken internally.

Some other remedies are
Destroy Hemorrhoids!
Hemorrhoids Saviour!
Defeat Hemorrhoids In 3 Steps
Hemorrhoid Free For Life
Hemorrhoids Made Easy.